After upgrading to 22R1, for some of our Self-Service Portal users, their cases queries (Open Cases in particular) are showing incorrect results. For some users, they aren’t seeing any of their cases. For some, they see Closed cases in the Open Cases query. Any thoughts? I also can’t figure out how to even debug the query since it’s Portal, if anyone has any tips. I guess I could do a SQL trace.
Self Service Portal Cases queries not showing correct content
Best answer by BenjaminCrisman
It makes more sense now why we having a disconnect, but I would recommend to also include screenshots with your posts to make sure we’re on the same page 😄
Because it is built-in then you would need to do customizations to change it, but on that note, it is also expected to be correct if it is our screen.
Might need to make a support case if the portal is acting up
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