Hello all,
I am working on a report in which I want to display receivables based on the week ending + one week.
I am using this formula for the column heading
=Concat( 'Week Ending ', DateAdd( [@WeekEnd], 'w', 1 ) )
It does exactly what I need, however it displays the time stamp at the end of the date and I would like to remove this. What is the best way to do this?

I tried using Left String to cut off after the date, but depending on whether the day and month have one digit or two this would be either 8, 9, or 10 total characters so it’s not a viable solution.
=Concat( 'Week Ending ', Left( DateAdd( [@WeekEnd], 'w', 1 ) ,8))
How can I format the date to only include dd/mm/yyyy format without the time stamp?
Thanks in advance,