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Purchase Order form per Branch?

Hi all, 

We’re a global company with 4 different buyer teams. While we have tried to standardize our forms, we’re still finding that some Branches need different information on their forms. For example, the last page of our forms have Ts & Cs need to be different per Branch. 

What is the best method to identify and use a form per Branch?

14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi @jamest You can configure separate reporting on the module preferences page (i.e. Purchase Order Preferences) under the Mailing and Printing tab.

On this tab you can add multiple of the same report and specify a branch so that when the report for this branch is ran, the specified form for that branch will be ran.

One thing to note though is that while the Branch column was visible, there was some problem behavior with it and so it was only recently fixed in the following major release builds:

23.116.0018; 23.211.0006; 24.103.0007.

Userlevel 3

Hi @jamest You can configure separate reporting on the module preferences page (i.e. Purchase Order Preferences) under the Mailing and Printing tab.

On this tab you can add multiple of the same report and specify a branch so that when the report for this branch is ran, the specified form for that branch will be ran.

One thing to note though is that while the Branch column was visible, there was some problem behavior with it and so it was only recently fixed in the following major release builds: 23.113.0042, 23.206.006, and the initial release of 24 R1.

Ah ok. We just went live and our consultants tried to use that function, but it didn’t work. We’re currently on this version. This should work, correct? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@jamest Apologies, I had this jotted down on a notepad but I must have gotten it confused with a different issue, this one is actually fixed in the following builds:


23.116.0018; 23.211.0006; 24.103.0007 (due out this month)

Userlevel 3

@BenjaminCrisman so going to 0019 should fix this for us? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

You would need to go to 23.116.0018 or higher, it’s two builds up from your current version

Userlevel 3

Got it. We would apply 23.116.0019.

Is this the fix you’re referring to? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

This is the one

Userlevel 3

Ok, that specifically mentions email, I’m assuming that applies to printing/exporting the form? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

That’s a good point, I suppose I thought the printing was also bundled into the fix, but I was able to get it working with different PO form in different branches.

Part of this issue is related to a current bug report where, in order to get the branch specific printing to work, the Purchase Order Preferences screen needs to only have the default report and the extra lines for additional branches:

Then on the Vendor Class you can specify which report to print for which branch:

I was using 24.100.0159, but the key is making sure each line on the Purchase Order preferences has only the PO641000 report, but lists one report for each branch, including a blank branch (Not sure if that still matters, but I think it does).

Userlevel 3

Interesting. So, the report stays the same on the PO Pref, but you change the report at the vendor class? What if you have vendor classes that cross branches? Not sure I understand the logic. 

Userlevel 3

I took another approach with requests for multiple report versions. You could also create a customization with an action for each report version, combined with a condition field that looks at the branch for the document. If its not the appropriate branch you can set that action to be hidden, and the action is tied to the specific report for that branch. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@jamest You can have all available branches as options on the Vendor Class, so no matter which branch you’re in it will print the associated form.

Is this what you were wondering?

Userlevel 7

Hi @jamest were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Userlevel 3

@Chris Hackett I have not but have not put a lot of time into it yet. It has fallen in priority since going live. Luckily the buyers are working together to try to standardize the templates. 
