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Hi All,

I am trying to create a report footer which contains multiple item details. Multiple items are show in the main PO but when I transfer the same fields to report footer section, only the first item is displayed in the report footer section.

can someone please help?




Hi @atuljainajm ,

The report footer section, by design, only has access to one record (normally I think it would be the last rather than the first), or aggregated calculations across the report, such as a summation for a grand total.  If you need multiple detail records in this section you could probably accomplish that by using a subreport.


@lauraj46 thank you. can I add the same report in the report footer section to check whether its working?

Hi @atuljainajm ,

I believe that you will need to create a new report with a different name to use as the subreport, otherwise it will recurse infinitely :)  In the subreport you would probably only include the detail section.  Make sure to link the subreport parameter to the main report on the appropriate fields such as PO Number.  The Open University course S150 (Report Designer) includes a good explanation as to how to create and link a subreport.    


Hi @lauraj46 

I tried creating it but it doesn’t work. Can you please confirm whether in the below screenshot which from from the subreport, the parameters should be added? Also, the fields are POOrder.OdrType & POOrder.OdrNbr.




Hi @atuljainajm ,

Yes, you should create these parameters in the subreport.  Then on the subreport properties of the main report be sure to define the parameters collection.

Also, make sure that the subreport includes only the necessary fields and is not too wide.  It will autoexpand on the main report and if it’s too big then it may overlap with other controls and not appear.


Hi @lauraj46 ,

Thanks for the reply. I tried that, when I use the following parameters in subreport section of main report, it works because I have specified the vale.

But when I use the following fields to retrieve record, it turn out to be blank. Can you please help?

Thank you


Hi @atuljainajm ,

Try putting an = sign in front of the Value Expression.


Hi @lauraj46 

Tried that as well but doesn’t work.


Hmmm.  Maybe because it’s on the footer that value isn’t available.  You could troubleshoot this by adding a field on the main report to display the value that you are passing next to the subreport.  You could also try setting the ValueExpr to equal the parameter from the main report, for example =@OrderNbr .

Hi @atuljainajm! it might be best if you upload the report and subreport so we can check them

Have you tried to use a GroupFooter section instead of ReportFooter.

If the GroupFooter option doesn’t work then from inside Report Designer report click File > Save As… and upload the report and subreport so we can more easily make a recommendation.

@lauraj46  I tried the options given bur still doesn’t work

@BenjaminCrisman Thanks for your help, I have uploaded the files and let me know if you need anything else from me.



@BenjaminCrisman  Can you please tell if you checked the uploaded report?

Thank you.

Hi @atuljainajm  - were you able to find a solution or do you still need something from @BenjaminCrisman? Thank you!
