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Hello,  I would like to show in my report Payment Method Detail's data from (screen CA204000 Payment Method) but Report Designer prints encrypted data( ******) instead of the real information. Any idea to solve this? 
Thank you in advance


data from screen : 


result from report designer:



     sorry, previously got the wrong way.
    You want to print out the real information, but the system just give you “****” instead?

    Can I have a look at the rpx file you are talking about?

I would like to do the opposite, show what I have in those sections.

I would like to do the opposite, show what I have in those sections.

which rpx file are you using. can you attach it? or screenshot the fields you are talking about.

@ray20 I attached my rpx file, thank you :)

@mharoun63 ,Hi, as I checked the rpx file, it looks like no problem with it.

So, my large guess is Acumatica “display mask” logic handled it.

Can you change your “IBAN” display mask to have a try?


Thank you for time but it doesn't work for my case, Display Mask is only available for credit card payment method type. I tried to copy the same logic but unfortunately the field display mask still hidden and no changes in design report still have ****** as data in [IBANInfo.DetailValue]

I resoved the problem by using a new function called from report designer like : PX.Objects.CA.Descriptor.ReportFunctions.GetAPPaymentInfo

Hello,Thank you for sharing us with your solution. It would help others later.

I resoved the problem by using a new function called from report designer like : PX.Objects.CA.Descriptor.ReportFunctions.GetAPPaymentInfo

How did you call a function from your report? 

Could you post the .rpx with this function call in it? 



