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Older than "@Today" expression for row style (DateDiff?)

  • 25 September 2023
  • 4 replies

Hi all, 

I just wrote a row style --


=Iif ( SOOrder.CustomerRefNbr] = 'PRO FORMA' and dSOOrder.Status] = 'R','red20', 'default')


If it’s a PRO FORMA on CREDIT HOLD, highlight the row red. So far so good.


I would like to modify this so it’s only on credit hold pro formas that are greater than a week old. So I did something like this:

=Iif (/SOOrder.CustomerRefNbr] = 'PRO FORMA' and MSOOrder.Status] = 'R' and 'SOOrder.OrderDate]< @Today -7,'red20', 'default')


That unfortunately gives an error. Is there a way to do dates in expressions? I see the DateDiff function but I have no idea how to work the syntax on that. Thanks!

Hi @swartzfeger  ,

When referencing Today in a GI field, you’ll want to try Today().  @Today gets used in filters and the like.

I think that change should work, but just in case it doesn’t, I’m guessing you’re struggling with what the “interval” means in the syntax - DateDiff(Interval, Date1, Date2) - Here you have to define what sort of Date or Time increment you are calculating the difference of.  So years, months, days, minutes, etc.  I generally calculate days, so for that interval you would want to put ‘d’ (yes, with the single quotes).

Here’s a wiki link with more info:


Good luck!


Hi @swartzfeger  ,

When referencing Today in a GI field, you’ll want to try Today().  @Today gets used in filters and the like.

I think that change should work, but just in case it doesn’t, I’m guessing you’re struggling with what the “interval” means in the syntax - DateDiff(Interval, Date1, Date2) - Here you have to define what sort of Date or Time increment you are calculating the difference of.  So years, months, days, minutes, etc.  I generally calculate days, so for that interval you would want to put ‘d’ (yes, with the single quotes).

Here’s a wiki link with more info:


Thanks Craig, the Function wiki helps. I tried making heads or tails of it and no luck. I’ll circle back to this at the end of the week when I have time.

Use DateAdd(date, interval, number) instead:

=IIf([SOOrder.CustomerRefNbr]='PRO FORMA' And [SOOrder.Status]='R' And [SOOrder.OrderDate] < DateAdd(Today(),'d',-7),'red20', 'default')


Use DateAdd(date, interval, number) instead:

=IIf([SOOrder.CustomerRefNbr]='PRO FORMA' And [SOOrder.Status]='R' And [SOOrder.OrderDate] < DateAdd(Today(),'d',-7),'red20', 'default')


Ahhhh, that makes more sense with the DateAdd! Yes, you take Today(), subtract -7 and then say anything less than this <format>… thank you! That makes sense!
