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In a Sales Order, add the linked Purchase Order in the Sales Order line for each SO line item.  (SOline.PurchaseOrderNbr). 

If the PO Nbr was added in the SOLine DAC, you could have a Sales Order Generic Inquiry that listed Sales Orders with the associated PO for each line item in the Sales Order, thus enableing you to quickly check on Purchase Order when a customer calls to inquiry about a Sales Orders. Often, a Sales Order is assoicated with more than one Purchase Order and you would have the ability to display the associated PO with each line item on the SO.  

Hi @dwilkins97 

PO information is already available in “SOLineSplit”. Please find the screenshot for reference.



Have you used SOLineSplit in a GI to have a PO column for each item line on a SO?



I just created sample GI by having PO columns, and find attached XML format GI.


Hope this helps!!


Thank you for the comments and for taking the time to look at this. 


I tried that inquiry that you are showing but I’m getting duplicate lines for the sales order. Has anyone successfully created a GI or a report that shows a Sales Order linked to a purchase order? Or better yet, we’d love to see the sales order linked to a purchase order and the receipt. 

And then from the sales order if we could also see any shipments related to it. 

So essentially a single report that shows the full life cycle of a sales order (from Linked PO all the way to shipments). 

Has anyone created something like this??
