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A client is using the Production Edition. 
The Sales Order lines can be tied to different production orders. 

We are trying to get the earliest start date of the production tickets and print it in the header of the Sales Order. 
I created a subreport that prints the Min ( AMProdItem.StartDate) correctly. I even have it set as a variable that prints $EDate = Min ( AMProdItem.StartDate). These are both printing correctly in the subreport. 

My question is how do I / or can I get the $EDate to be returned? 
When I set the Value as =$subReport1_EDate, I get a zero that prints. 

Or is there a better way to get the earliest start date from multiple production to print on the Sales Order.

Thank you, 

Is it possible that there is an issue passing your parameter from the main report to the sub report?

I.e. when running the sub-report from your main report, the sub is not able to determine which sales order you are pulling production tickets for?

Here is information on how to pass the parameter from the main to the sub:

I have had success with sub reports.  Here is where the information is captured.

The next is displaying it in the calling program


Have you checked the reset conditions on the variable? Could you attach a version of the subReport?

Hi @wfilipiak67 

Can you confirm the Subreport name reflected is correct (including case) i.e., ‘subReport1’?



