I’d like more information, please, to understand your question. What do you mean ‘APV’? What are you trying to do? In what screen do you want to enter this document?
I will make a guess: Are you trying to enter the above document as an AP Bill?
What is the amount owed to the vendor? Depending on whether the net amount is positive or negative, you may enter a Debit Adjustment (if vendor owes you) or an AP Bill (if you owe the vendor) in AP. One or more lines will be negative, to represent the above posting accounts.
If I am guessing incorrectly, I will look for further information from you and then try again to help.
This is the AP Register Detailed full report the problem is when I am trying to print the AP Voucher I see that the Debit Amount and Credit is not balance or same amount unlike in the AP Registered Detailed. And after review the the item having same amount in other item computed as one. what do yu think is the problem? is there a possibility that the form is the problem?
When I compare the two reports side-by-side, I see 3 extra transactions on the AP Register Detailed that are not included in the other report. I think you are saying the other report is a custom voucher report. Correct?
The ‘custom voucher report’ omits transactions that have the same amount as another transaction. Three missing transactions on ‘custom voucher report’ match up to others: same branch, same account, same subaccount, same reference number, and same transaction description. How is the custom report grouped? Maybe AP Bill’s Line number can be added to the grouping to make sure all unique lines are included in the ‘custom voucher report’.
is there any possible solution cuz they don’t want to add other item. if its possible to group all the item with the same description and amount? here is the sample code in the report designer
this is the report I have doing my problem is the debit and credit is not match the reason is if the item has same description and amount the report read or compute it once and the duplicate was disregard. note that I don't have a unique identifier in the file because they all the same. So the solution I think is to group all the item with the same GL accounts, description, and amount then sum it. but the problem is I don’t have a background to do it so can you guide me you know thank you in advance.
My next recommendation is to move this question out of Financials area and into Reports section of this forum. @Chris Hackett, can you assist? Thank you!!
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