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I have a Generic Inquiry for tracking Blanket sales orders but I need to add a function to it that allows me to track schedule compliance for the contracts in the GI. we have the start and expiration dates that I need to draw from as well as the order quantity plus unshipped order quantity. what I need is the Unshipped order quantity to be tracked in relation to the remaining months in the order.

so for example in an order of 11,200 units over the course of 12 months needs to show that a minimum of 933.33 units are being shipped per month, if you get to 2 months and the total shipped is not equal to or greater than the order quantity total divided by the number of months between start and expiration date it should show it as being out of compliance.

now I know this is very complicated and I am unsure if it is even possible to track this data using a GI and/or dashboard.

I attached the XML of the report as well.


Hi @BrendanL ,

You could use a formula like this:

=IIf((CDbl(DateDiff('m',  ÂSOOrder.OrderDate], ,BusinessDate]))/DateDiff('m', ,SOOrder.OrderDate], ,SOOrder.ExpireDate]))*)SOOrder.OrderQty]<=;SOOrder.QtyOnOrders], 'In Compliance', 'Not In Compliance')

See the attached revised XML.  

Hope this helps!

