I have one user can login into acumatica mobile. He has two tenants and in menu saleorder, he can use salesorder menu in first tenant but the same menu in second tenant cannot use it. When he click it show this error.
The entry form (ID: SO301000, title: Sales Orders) cannot be automated. Unable to cast object of type 'Wrapper.PX.Objects.SO.Cst_SOOrderEntry' to type 'DynamicInterface.PX.Objects.SO.GraphExtensions.SOOrderEntryExt.SOOrderLineSplittingExtension'.
but if I use admin user to access that saleorder menu, I can access both of them. I don’t what’s happen. I test it test server fine but when move to production error like that. And I role back to old version of customize use to work well but it’s still show that error.