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Duplicate Cases and Attachments

  • 18 January 2024
  • 2 replies

We are using an automation to create cases from our Work Orders outlook email. We’re running into a couple issues. 

First is duplicate cases. Ex. If someone replies all it adds a RE: to the front of the subject and creates a new case. Or if a new contact is added to the email it creates a new case. Now we have multiple cases for one conversation. 

Second - The attachments in the email (in activities) does not transfer over when creating SO from Case. Is there a way to have the attachments from the email transfer over?

Best answer by meganfriesen37

Are you using the System Email Accounts to manage this or is it a different process that you are using?  We run into the issue occasionally when we get auto Out of Office replies or if someone deletes the tags, but it works for us 95%+ of the time.



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Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • 75 replies
  • October 28, 2024

Did you figure this out? If this is a recurrent issue, I advise you to enter a support case for this. 

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • 545 replies
  • Answer
  • October 30, 2024

Are you using the System Email Accounts to manage this or is it a different process that you are using?  We run into the issue occasionally when we get auto Out of Office replies or if someone deletes the tags, but it works for us 95%+ of the time.




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