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How do you get the timecards to work when they cross payperiods.  The pay periods are always 1st through the 15th and the 16th throught the end of the month.  What do you do when the time cards cross pay periods?  Manual OT calcs would be preferrable and having timecards that match the payperiod.  Has anyone gotten this to work?

The Time Card creates Time Activities, which are “daily”.  It is the Time Activity records that the payroll module uses so you should be able to release the time activities to pull in the correct dates for the pay period.  The OT calculation happens in the Payroll using the OT rules.

The Time Cards are always weekly. You can set the week to start on a custom day of the week on the Time & Expense Preferences screen.  (Don’t forget to generate the weeks on the second tab on the Preferences screen.)
