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Washington State Paid Family Medical

Is anyone else in Washington state having issues with their Paid Family medical not calculating correctly starting at the end of Q2 2023?

My testing and research is showing that all of a sudden this tax is way over deducting from my employees and it appears to be coinciding with the roll-out/implementation of the new WA Cares tax.

I’ve checked my tax settings for WA FLI and they have not changed, so I’m stumped as to why the change?

9 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Yes I have a ticket on this as it did not stop calculating on the max limit. if the issue is different please open a ticket with Acumatica as this is urgent and needs to be fixed ASAP. I think something changed when they added the CARES tax


Userlevel 2

Hello Patricia,

I have opened a support ticket with my Acumatica partner.   

For us, we don’t have anyone that has exceeded the max limit quite yet but, extremely frustrated that I cannot manually override the tax on the paycheck & adjustments screen as I need to process another payroll today and this is affecting the net pay of my employees!   


Agreed, Acumatica needs to fix this ASAP!

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

in that case how is it calculating the wrong amount?

how many employees y do you have?

Userlevel 2

We have less than 50 employees.  It was correctly calculating only the employee portion of the tax until the very last paycheck of Q2.   I can’t figure out the formula that it is now using because the % is not consistent across employees.   I can say that in some cases it is calculating even more than the combined total .8%.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

thanks for letting me know. I will take a look at our paychecks and if I see the same I will add to my FMLA case.


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

This issue is under review by Acumatica development.

Userlevel 2


Has development come up with a global resolution?

For the case that I submitted, I’m being told that I need to turn off the “set to true” settings in the WA FLI payroll tax in order to make the tax calculate correctly on the next round of paychecks.   While that answer might work in the short term in one payroll batch (I haven’t tested yet to see if it will), that does not correct the issue long term as far as I can tell.

Userlevel 2

Can I get anyone from Acumatica to answer this thread?

Is the known issue with WA FLI tax corrected or not?   

In Q2, the software began overcalculating the tax percentage on WA FLI and deducted too much from employee paychecks.   I was told that in order to correct, I would have to reimburse those employees.  So I did.

Now in Q3 Acumatica has under calculated the WA FLI tax for the same employees.   It would have been helpful if there were updates to open cases.



Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi Shellie,

I apologize that this issue has taken a long time to be resolved - we were working out some details with our tax provider.  However, this issue should now be resolved as of Tuesday, October 10, 2023.  If you continue see an issue, please contact support right away.


Thank you,

Sonia Echols
