We have created a special field for displaying the Inventory description on the Create Purchase Order screen (ID:PO505000).
The standard Acumatica form will simply show the Inventory Item’s description field.
However, since for special orders our customers frequently override the description on the sales order (or service order) we created an extension which is used in POCreate Graph.
Basically, it will check to see if there is a value in the soline and use that if needed, and if not, it will take the inventory item’s description.
The Field is defined as:
#region UsrPOFixedDemandLineDescr
public abstract class usrPOFixedDemandLineDescr : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<usrPOFixedDemandLineDescr> { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Line Description")]
public virtual string UsrPOFixedDemandLineDescr { get; set; }
This is working fine in the PS505000 screen -- on my development computer.
However, at the customer site, the field is blank when the item is coming from a Sales Order. (It works fine for service orders.)
The logic for determining which value to use is pretty simple. If soline is not null we use this:
pofixeddemandExt.UsrPOFixedDemandLineDescr = soline?.TranDesc ?? InvItem.Descr;
And if soline is null we use the Service Order detail line:
pofixeddemandExt.UsrPOFixedDemandLineDescr = fsline?.TranDesc ?? InvItem.Descr;
I have no good way of understanding why it isn’t working on their system, since I cannot put a breakpoint on the customer’s server. On their server, Service Orders line description comes through, and sales orders lines come in as blank.
On my dev server, both run correctly.
We are running the same version (Build 23.213.0015) with the same customization packages installed. I copied their database to my local database, so I am using the same dataset.
It works on my system, and not on theirs. No errors. It is simply blank.
Any ideas of what I could check, or how I should go about debugging this would be appreciated!