We created a production order for a part we had created, to be able to remove material and add some other, this production order has a step with components with negative quantities, which will strip back material and put it back in inventory.
If we do a Material transaction, we have not issues.
If we try to do a backflush via a MOVE transaction, we get an error message, during the MOVE referencing a location that is only used to receive purchased orders.

If we remove the backflush flags from the components, we are able to process the MOVE transaction.
- RECDOCK is only for receiving PO’s.
- None of the items involved have this location in their setup.
- The production order is not attached to any sales order.
We have since been able to process this order by doing the Material transaction and removing the backflush flags to do the MOVE.
I’ve been able to replicate this scenario in one of our testing environments and I’m wondering if this is a bug.