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Production Orders - using Material Wizard to release materials (selecting project is not a option)

  • 7 February 2024
  • 7 replies

Hello All,

We are using Production Orders to complete a good. Note when the Production Order is set up, we have selected the Project WHS, Location to place the finished good in. (Note this project WHS is for government materials that have already been invoiced to the customer)  On the reference tab we also will add the project # and task to tie the project to the production order.  The materials added are coming from a main warehouse while some of the other materials bought to that project are coming out of that same project WHS, location where the finished good will be placed. When using the material wizard, the materials being released from the main warehouse there are no issues, the materials released from the project WHS location are being removed from the warehouse, however the materials are not appearing as a credit on the project?  Using the wizard there is no option to add the project? Is there a different way we should be going about this?


Trying to accomplish:

  • taking the invoiced materials sitting in the project WHS, adding them to a production order, releasing the materials, should credit that project?, then when the move is completed, the cost of the finished good is put on that project. (is this possible)
  • or is there a alternate process to accomplish this?

Is the answer just adding the project check box to the material wizard 2 to our acumatica system?


Any information or suggestions is welcome.

@jmccool When you are defining Project and Project Task in Reference tab of the Production order. 
Do you also have Update Project checkbox selected?
Simply defining the Project and Project task is for informational purposes only. Update Project checkbox must be selected to tie the Production order to Project. 


Trying to accomplish:

  • taking the invoiced materials sitting in the project WHS, adding them to a production order, releasing the materials, should credit that project?,
    If the materials sitting in the project WMS are issued to production order, project WIP should be debited.
  • then when the move is completed, the cost of the finished good is put on that project. (is this possible)
    When Move is completed and production order is closed, WIP Project will be credited and finished good will be in the inventory until issued to the project using Issue (IN302000) form. 

Thank you, I do not have that box checked,  I will test that and see if that resolves my issue.

@jmccool Additionally make sure that Account groups in Project are correctly defined and WIP account of the Project’s Account group has been used for WIP Account in Production Order. 

Thanks, I received a error message when I tried to check that update Project box.  We will need to correct/update what you noted above before I can test it.

We ran the scenario adding the information as suggested as above and it worked, however it did the opposite of what we wanted it to do.  It added the materials and took out the assembly we created on the WO?  We were hoping the scenario would put a negative in the project for the materials then add the completed assembly cost from the WO?  We are back to square one again.  Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Hi @jmccool were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Chris,  We have not found a solution yet.  We received some guidance but the help given is not giving us the results we are looking for.  We could use some help from someone who has experience working with Govt. Contracts.
