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We have a generic inquiry for Move where we display the AMBatch Total Amount and the INRegister Total Cost. 

We are currently only using final moves from WIP into Inventory, not from operation to operation.

How/When is the AMBatch Total Amount populated?  Why are so many zero?

Acumatica Build 22.115.0035

Valuation Method: Average

Production Order Costing Method: Estimated

See attached snipping of our Move GI


@JoelGuay - the AMBatch Total Amount is for reference and is not always populated. The InRegister Total Cost is the $ Moved to Inventory." Maybe a better question would be what are you trying to accomplish with this report and maybe we can offer a better field to map? 

@Debbie Baldwin  - Thank you for your response, to reduce confusion we will remove the AMBatch Total Amount from the generic inquiry.

You might find some of the numbers in the AMProdTotal table helpful.  This table is easily related to the AMProdItem table.  I have used this table frequently when reporting cost of production.
