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One-To-Many Material Allocation In BOMs

  • 11 August 2022
  • 2 replies

Hello All,

I am attempting to create a bill of material to process packaging. The amount of material that we package changes very often, but each finished product still only requires one of each packaging material.

For example: One order may call for 20 widgets, and it will require one box and one strap to package it. Another order may call for 18 widgets, but still requires the same one box and one strap for packaging.

In creating the bill of material I’d like to make the amount of packaging material fixed and w/o making a plethora of BOMs to cover every potential order I may encounter (there are a lot). I’d like to do this without allocating fractions of material (i.e. divide one box by 20 so the system generates one full box for a order of 20 widgets).

It seems like this should be a common occurrence, and I’d expect the system to have a solution for this. Am I missing something? 

Take a look at batch size in the bill of material. For example, lets say each box holds 20 widgets. At 21 widgets you need two boxes. On the bill of material you would unhide the batch column in the material grid and set batch to 20. 

Hope this helps! 



And just like that, you have solved all my problems! Thanks!
