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Inventory Summary Screen IN401000 - Code needed to Lookup by Lot/Serial # as well as default InventoryID

Freshman I


Wondering if anyone could help me with some code needed for the Inventory lookup attribute on Screen IN401000 so I can put in a lot/serial # and have the item come up as well. Default it just pulls by InventoryId of item.

Or a easier way to do this?  Thanks so much everyone.


Here is the default Attribute code. I need to add some code to be able to 
look up by Lot/Serial# as well. So you would put in a Lot/Serial# of a Inventory item

[AnyInventory(typeof(Search<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Where<InventoryItem.stkItem, NotEqual<boolFalse>, And<Where<Match<Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>>>>),
typeof(InventoryItem.inventoryCD), typeof(InventoryItem.descr),
Required = true)]


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