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There are two columns, namely X and Y, in a grid. I need the following functionality:

When the value in X is lower than the value in Y, the X field color should change to red. and

When the value in Y is lower than the value in X, the Y field color should change to red.


For example, if X = 3 and Y = 6, the X field should appear in red.

For example, if X = 8 and Y = 5, the Y field should appear in red.


How to achieve this, I need steps on how and code if possible.

Note: I do not want to highlight the entire row, only the specific field.

In the Style column of your Result Grid, you can try using the IIF statement. In the same row of your X data field and Y data field, try =IIf( X] < Y], 'bad', 'default') or =IIf( (Y] < tX], 'bad', 'default')


Check out this StackOverflow answer
