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I’m getting a ‘Location’ can be found in the system when trying to import Proforma invoices. Any ideas as to why this is happening? See below:



Do your customers have multiple locations? If Yes, is MAIN a valid location for the customer whose Proforma is being imported?

If you manually type the same fields: Proforma #, Project, Customer ID, Customer Location MAIN in the Proforma screen, does it work?

Please try importing one proforma with Customer Location line deactivated in the above Import Scenario and let us know your results. 






Do your customers have multiple locations? If Yes, is MAIN a valid location for the customer whose Proforma is being imported?

If you manually type the same fields: Proforma #, Project, Customer ID, Customer Location MAIN in the Proforma screen, does it work?

Please try importing one proforma with Customer Location line deactivated in the above Import Scenario and let us know your results. 





Hi ​@Laura02 Thanks for the quick response. After sleeping on it, I realized I needed to be in Migration Mode in the Projects module to import Pro Forma. The “How Tos and FAQs” helped me understand that Proforma’s needed to be in that mode also. Thanks!
