I've setup a generic inquiry linking requests, employees & user tables. The GI has 5 output fields (Request Order Number, Request Employee ID, Request Department ID, Employee AcctName & User Email). I have verified that the GI generates all the proper output.
I then linked that GI to a business event with a Record Insert trigger. I want this to trigger every time a new purchase request is submitted. I have verified that the BE triggers properly when a new purchase request is submitted.
I then setup the BE to kick off an import scenario. When I go to setup the import scenario, I only see 2 fields available as source fields (order number & description). I have verified that the screen ID for my GI is the same screen ID as the provider for the import scenario.
The part I completely don't understand is that my GI doesn't include the description field. The initial GI I created only had those 2 fields, but I added additional fields. It is almost as if it has latched onto the first draft of the GI and isn’t seeing the updates I’ve made.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.