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Import Scenario for Bill of Materials

  • 17 August 2022
  • 1 reply

I am attempting to import Bill of Materials into Acumatica. The BOMs have Operations and Materials. Sometimes the Operation has materials and sometimes it is not needed. It is not a required field in Acumatica. However, the import is saying the inventory is required. Any ideas on how I could make the Material Inventory ID not required, but will add it if needed?  


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Brian Rowerdink ,

We faced a similar issue. The problem in our case was caused by having values for some of the other fields on the Material tab on the rows where there is no Inventory ID.  For example on your formula for Material Type your formula (as written) will return “Regular” in some cases where the Inventory ID is blank or null. 

You can refer to the line for the Scrap Factor as a model of how to work around this.  If the Material Inventory ID is null then you should not populate any of the other fields on the tab.

=Iif([Matl Inventory ID]<>Null,  Iif([Scrap Factor]=Null,0,[Scrap Factor]),'')

Hope this helps!


