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Is there a way to schedule the export the Excel results of a GI to a local folder? If not, if I made the GI into a report would I be able to schedule an export of the Excel format to a local folder?

Hi @jhutchinson 

Check below information

Hi @jhutchinson ,

This is a two step process:

  1. Create an Export Scenario to export the Generic Inquiry.  This writes the results to a “file” within Acumatica. 
  2. Use file synchronization to output the results to an external location.  If you are in a SaaS environment, I don’t think the file synchronization will be able to write to a local computer or server.  You would probably need to configure an ftp site.

Here is a link to the Acumatica help regarding file synchronization:

You could alternatively schedule a notification with an attached report having Excel output format.  The user would need to save the file from their email to a local drive.

Hope this helps!


