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Hey Everyone,


I know I have the command <Action: Create Shipment> from the Sales Order screen under Order Summary. This in turn generates a dialogue box with two options (Shipment Date and the Warehouse ID).

The Warehouse ID will auto-fill properly, but I need to access Shipment Date in the dialogue box as it always picks “today”, which isn’t overly helpful in this scenario. 

The only options I have for Dialogue boxes seem to be the “OK” and “Cancel” options in the import scenario. Anyone know if/how I can access the date fields through the Dialogue Box before generating the shipment?


Thanks in advance,

Hi @Michael Hansen 

Are you creating an import scenario to import SO and then trigger Action to create shipment? I am not sure if that works. You may import orders using import scenario and to create shipment, can use ‘Process Orders’ screen (ScreenID:SO501000). This allows you create shipments on business date, all at once.

Hope this helps,


Hi @Michael Hansen 

I don’t think the “Create Shipment” action will work through import scenarios as it navigates from SO to the Shipments screen.

As suggested by Vijay, we can use default Acumatica screen “Process Orders” screen to proces the shipments by changing the “Ship Date”, this way you can achieve your requirement.


Please find the screeshot for your reference. Hope this help you!!

I make this work and I used in a Business Event to trigger it once the Sales Order is created. The import scenario that works for me is this one.



I make this work and I used in a Business Event to trigger it once the Sales Order is created. The import scenario that works for me is this one.



Thank you @armand46 this worked for me as well on 2023 R1, it was important to uncheck the commit box for the Action: Create Shipment line. 

Have a great weekend!

I make this work and I used in a Business Event to trigger it once the Sales Order is created. The import scenario that works for me is this one.



Thank you @armand46 this worked for me as well on 2023 R1, it was important to uncheck the commit box for the Action: Create Shipment line. 

Have a great weekend!

I’m on 23R1 and this scenario doesn’t seem to work for me.  I get the “shipment” error: 

it creates the shipment, it just doesn’t move on to the next SO...any thoughts?  Would like to be able to confirm too...maybe that requires the process orders screen?

Hi @K2a ,

Were you able to find a solution on this?  Where are using 2023 R2 and like you said the shipment is created but we are seeing the same ‘Shipment’ error.



Hi @K2a ,

Were you able to find a solution on this?  Where are using 2023 R2 and like you said the shipment is created but we are seeing the same ‘Shipment’ error.



@lauraj46 - if i remember correctly, you can check the ‘ignore error’ on the import scenario and it seems to move through them still throws the error, but it does cascade through them.   not ideal, but I believe this worked. 

Hi @K2a ,

I tried that and it does seem to work… just looks kinda ugly :)


