This batch was created on journal transaction with the post period as 01-2023. However the last detail line seems to have posted in 02-2023 which seems to be the editting date. How did this happen as the transaction date on the details line is not edit enabled ? How did a line change its date when the whole voucher has a date already.
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First I have a few questions:
Is your GL Trial Balance out of balance in period 1 as a result of this batch?
What is the version of Acumatica?
Was the batch was entered in Journal Transactions or in Journal Vouchers screen?
Was the batch manually typed, or was it imported? If imported, using what method - Load Records from File button, or Import Scenario, or something else?
Is the screen customized? If so, please enter or import the same batch again with customizations temporarily unpublished, and tell us, do you see the same result?
Depending on whether the same batch can be successfully entered/imported with customizations temporarily turned off, you may need to open a support ticket with Acumatica.
Thank you for your response.
1.GL TB out of Balance.
The TB for the period is out of balance. I had to post for the account in Jan leaving the initial to fall in Feb.
2.Acumatica version
Acumatica Cloud ERP 2021 R2 Build 21.203.0030
3.Batch entry screen
Entered on the Journal Transactions screen (GL301000)
4.Method of batch entry
Manual entry - The transaction date at the line details is disabled and individual line dates cannot be ammended, The tran date usually inherits from the summary area of the Transaction.
This is a one off issue that has not occured before.
The screen has not been customized.
Hello @Francis Njuku ,
I have one more idea that may help, Recalculate Account History Process in the Finance module. Try recalculating 01-2023 and 02-2023 while no users are in the system. If the situation doesn’t improve, then I recommend a support ticket via your Partner or Acumatica.
Hi @laurabarber08 ,
I had tried the recalculation earlier to no avail, I guess I will have to follow up with the support ticket.
Thank you!
Hi @Francis Njuku were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
Hi @Chris Hackett , I raised the case with Acumatica support and I was able to get a correction script.