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Client sells and receives tons of waste products.  We’ve setup a GL account for Tons-In (95010) and Tons-Out (95020) and are wondering how to update these accounts from a release of a sales invoice.  The sales invoice and payables invoices have a value on them relating to the number of tons.  QTY 10 / UOM TON / $20.00 ton = $200.00 invoice.

How can we get an automated process to update the statistical ledger based on an AR invoice or from a Sales Order Invoice.  The only solution I can think of is a Business Event that is triggered by the release of a sales invoice and have it create a Statistical JE to Debit 95010 for XX tons that are on the sales invoice.  There is likely more than one line on a sales invoice as well to add to the complication.

Looking for ideas.

Thank you,


I think you’re pretty much spot-on on Business Events being the only real solution - perhaps one that reads a GI containing released ARTran’s and APTran’s (if you want billed items only), or SOShipmentLine /  POReceiptLine (if you want actual shipments/purchase receipts) with necessary filters to only identify the waste items.

Then you could trigger on new records to import a GL batch with the necessary fields (qty in ton). It would help if your base qty was in ton or KG so you could read BaseQty directly in case you start purchasing in alternative UOMs (eg. DRUM10TON, etc), .

Thank you kokjeitan:  The client’s base term for all inventory items is TON so thanks for the encouragement on working out a Business Event.
