We are having issues with one of our Customization project in the upgraded version 2022 R1.
Issue :
We have an extension for QuoteMaint in our customization project.
public PXDBAction<CRQuote> mAKLSubmit;
PXUIField(DisplayName = "Submit", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Update, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Update, Visible = true)]
public IEnumerable MAKLSubmit(PXAdapter adapter)
the click event finally triggers this Base.Approval.Submit(adapter);
Base → QuoteMaint,
Approval - > vPXViewName("Approval")]
public EPApprovalActionExtensionPersistent<CRQuote, CRQuote.approved, CRQuote.rejected, CRSetup.quoteApprovalMapID, CRSetup.quoteApprovalNotificationID> Approval;
Submit → Action
in the current version Submit action is not available anymore also the View Approval has changed to
public EPApprovalAutomation<CRQuote, CRQuote.approved, CRQuote.rejected, CRQuote.hold, CRSetupQuoteApproval> Approval;
Just wondering, is there a way to achieve the same functionality that was available previously?
Thanks in Advance.