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We are having issues with one of our Customization project in the upgraded version 2022 R1.


We have an extension for QuoteMaint in our customization project.

 public PXDBAction<CRQuote> mAKLSubmit;
        PXUIField(DisplayName = "Submit", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Update, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Update, Visible = true)]
        public IEnumerable MAKLSubmit(PXAdapter adapter)

the click event finally triggers this Base.Approval.Submit(adapter);

Base → QuoteMaint

Approval - > vPXViewName("Approval")]
        public EPApprovalActionExtensionPersistent<CRQuote, CRQuote.approved, CRQuote.rejected, CRSetup.quoteApprovalMapID, CRSetup.quoteApprovalNotificationID> Approval;

Submit → Action

in the current version Submit action is not available anymore also the View Approval has changed to 

        public EPApprovalAutomation<CRQuote, CRQuote.approved, CRQuote.rejected, CRQuote.hold, CRSetupQuoteApproval> Approval;


Just wondering, is there a way to achieve the same functionality that was available previously?

Thanks in Advance.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Sales Quote approval process is now available in the CRM module.  In the Customer Management Preferences, you can set up the Approval Map for a “Sales Quote” type and the approval notification that should trigger automatically without a customization. 

Quote Approval Settings Section

This section is available only if the Sales Quotes and Approval Workflow features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

For more information about approval of quotes, see Opportunity Management: Sales Quotes.

Element Description
Approval Map The approval map used to assign quotes to employees for approval.
Pending Approval Notification The notification template that the system uses to generate notification emails for employees who approve quotes. An employee receives an approval notification when a quote requires approval from this employee. You can select a predefined notification template or use the Notification Templates (SM204003) form to create a new notification template.

@meganfriesen37 , thanks for reply and sharing the details. I did try the above for auto approval, I can see the approval getting triggered, but the issue is even after the quote is approved the status of the quote doesn’t change. It still remains in open status I was expecting the quote to be in Approved status.

Secondly there are scenarios were the user who is submitting the Quote, can auto approve the quote without any approval. How can we achieve this?


For testing the approval maps are working as expected created only one step.


If the quote meets the above rule actions and conditions, it should be auto approved. It doesn’t happen in my case, any thoughts or suggestions on what I might be missing?


@vibindas  - For your first comment about “the status doesn’t update after the employee approves it” have you tried refreshing the screen.  I’ve noticed in some of the newer versions of Acumatica, the screen doesn’t automatically refresh the new status and display it (though it will be there if you leave the screen and come back or just press “F5” on your keyboard to refresh).

If a certain higher level employee (“employee A”) can create and approve their own quotes, but a lower level employee (“employee B”) requires employee “A”’s approval, then I’d set up the map like this with one level.  The ones created by “Employee A” just skip the approval process.

  • On the “Conditions” tab for the “Step” of the approval map - “If No Approver Found: “Approve Document”
  • In the node of the step, enter your conditions for the lower level employee
    • Quote | Created By | Is Not Equal | “Employee A”
    • Plus any other conditions
  • Then, for the Rule Actions
    • Approver is “Employee A” (or Employee A’s work group, etc).

Anything created by Employee A would be automatically approved and anything from other employees would go to Employee A for approval.
