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Parent child relationships for Vendors

  • 25 February 2022
  • 7 replies

Our services clients have sub contractors who provide invoices but the payment of the invoices has to be made to an umbrella  services company and only one payment to cover all sub-contractors associated to the umbrella company.

A parent child association would work well here as it does in AR.

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @jmorgan  You can suggest this for a future version of Acumatica. 

Userlevel 3

It looks like Acumatica has at least thought about it since they do have a field on the Vendor entry window for Parent Vendor.  I do not believe this currently provides any additional functionality.


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

It looks like Acumatica has at least thought about it since they do have a field on the Vendor entry window for Parent Vendor.  I do not believe this currently provides any additional functionality.


You are correct, I did find it:


Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Yes you are absolutely correct.  I had not seen this.

Unfortunately it does not do much.

The help notes on the screen say:

Optional. The parent vendor’s account, which you can select from the list of existing vendor accounts. For an independent vendor, make no selection. (The value, if specified, is used solely for informational purposes.)



Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @jmorgan,

There is the Vendor Relations feature that enables the parent-child relations between vendors.

Here is a help page about managing vendor relations:

Here is an example from my local instance:

1. On the Vendors screen for AASERVICES vendor, on the Payment tab I specified the Pay-To Vendor = AAVENDOR:

*Here is an abstract from the help about the Pay-To Vendor field:


2. Then I created a purchase order with AASERVICES vendor and on the Vendor Info tab, the Pay-To Vendor was automatically populated with AAVENDOR:

3. For the created PO I entered a PO receipt and released it:

4. From the released PO Receipt I clicked Enter AP Bill, as a result, a bill was created for AAVENDOR  vendor:


Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi Julia,

That is really helpful and just the functionality that we are looking for.  Thanks for pointing it out.


My main need is to have this on the employee record.   Our client uses sub contractors that are set up as employees so that expense claims can be processed in Acumatica.  These sub contractors work through an “umbrella” company or services company, so the re-imbursement of the expenses has to be made as a payment to the services company and not the employee.




Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hi @jmorgan,

I double-checked on my local and actually don’t see the ‘Pay-To Vendor’ field available on the Employees screen that would be useful in your scenario.

I advise you to submit an idea with this feature request here so our project management can review and take it into consideration:


