How to bypass Control Account logic in FA Reverse Disposal action?
When attempting the Reverse Disposal action in the Fixed Asset module I encountered an error. Acumatica will not post to a Control Account when creating the reversal disposal transaction. Is there something I am missing in the setup?
2022 R1
Error EncounteredAllow Manual Entry is OFF for the Account we would like to keep it this wayThe original Disposal
We are currently using a work around where we enable manual posting, process the reversal of the disposal and then disable manual posting.
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Hi @Robert Sternberg
This is standard in Acumatica. You can not post to a control account. Try making that account a non-control account then reverse the FA.
Thanks @kandybeatty49 this is the workaround we are using today. Any insight why this is the only transaction that is initiated from the FA screen and results in a FA Module journal entry when we turn off the control logic for that account? It would seem that because it is NOT a manual GL entry it should be allowed.
HI @Robert Sternberg
A manual GL entry will still not allow you to post to a control account. Control accounts are mainly used for analytical purposes in the system.
This article may help you a bit, I know control accounts are a bit confusing:
Thanks Kandy, this would NOT be a manual transaction. This would be a FA transaction. I used the workaround where we select allow manual posting and when I created the reversal of the disposal the resulting entry had the FA Module indicated. Based on the Acu-Connect post this should be allowed even with control accounts enabled and manual posting not allowed.
Looks like the best approach right now until this is fixed is to temporarily allow manual posting to the control account while the reversal of the disposal is completed.
Hello @Robert Sternberg ,
One of our clients encountered the exact same error reported above, in version 2023 R1 today while releasing a Depreciation Batch in Fixed Assets module.
Upon trying to release Depreciation, error occurred: “Account 14100 is a control account for FA and posting to it is prohibited.”
Yes, 14100 is a FA control account, as it should be.
Our batch of DEPRECIATION originated in FA module and FA transactions should slip right into FA control accounts without any fuss.
Our ‘problem’ batch debits Depreciation Expense and Credits Accumulated Depreciation on every single line - account 14100 Fixed Asset control account is not used on any line of the batch in question.
When I temporarily allowed posting to 14100, the depreciation batch released successfully.
The resulting GL entry does not make any entry to 14100.
Why an error? I’m wondering if you pursued an answer from Acumatica.