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Is it possible to change the account group type? I set up an account group that was linked to all asset accounts, but the type was listed as expense, and now I am unable to change it to asset. Is there a way to adjust this? 




There is a community article that address this:

Hope this resolves the issue!



Hello  @jenniferyaholnitsky ,

To change the Type on an Account Group:

  1. Unlink the Account Group from the 4 accounts listed on the Accounts tab of Accounts Group screen.  Save. 
  2. Change the Type on the Account Group.
  3. Add the four accounts back to the Accounts tab.  Save.



Thank you Laura, however I am unable to change the Type on the Account group as it is grey’ed out. Even when accounts are removed. Is this a permissions thing?



Hi, I don’t think it’s permissions.

Are you able to delete it, and add it back with correct Type?


Hi; No - it said i couldnt delete it and was giving me this error. I had posted one AR invoice and then realized my account group was wrong.


Thank you, Jennifer.  It sounds like Project Budgets or possibly Actual Transactions may have been posted using the above Account Class.  Budgets can be removed, but Actual Transactions can’t.

Can you determine what is prohibiting deletion:  Project Budget , actual transactions posted to a project while the accounts were connected to the above class, or both?

If you determine that real transactions were posted to the above Class, it can’t be deleted. Adding a new Account class of the correct type and connecting the GL accounts to the new class is the answer.



@SheriThomas49  That article is for changing the account type on a GL account.   @jenniferyaholnitsky  It is not possible to change the type on the Account Group you need to create a new Account Group to access that field.

@jenniferyaholnitsky i tested this out in my demo environment and once transactions are locked in, you are not able to make any changes to the account group type.  as heidi stated, a new account group must be made with the correct type.  i would deactivate the one that’s incorrect as well once that is done

