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Good day community

I need to do a bulk reversal of batches created by FA which can’t be deleted. I have posted all the batches and created an import scenario to reverse. Error message is “Batch Status invalid for processing.” Can anyone help?


Thank you



When you reverse a batch manually, is the new batch status on Hold?

If the status is on Hold, you won’t be able to release it (last action).

You either temporarily change the GL Preferences to deactivate the On Hold on entry option or add an action in the import scenario to remove from hold before releasing.

@BarbaraPietersen23 Assuming, you are Saving the Batch after the Reverse action. If not, please try.

Thanks to both for the responses.

@Eric Ratté - the status is not on Hold when creating a reversal batch

@ChandraM  - I modified the scenario to include saving the batch before reversal. Still doesn’t work.

When reversing manually I see that I need to open the batch first and reverse from inside the batch but there doesn’t seem to be a command for that.

Any other ideas? I really don’t want to have to reverse all these batches manually.


Hello @BarbaraPietersen23 ,

I was able to import a reversal of the Journal Transactions for IN and AR batches using this import scenario. (I don’t have any FA transactions in my testing tenant right now.)

When I added the Release action, it didn’t work - but you can easily release Balanced Batches in Finance → Release Transactions screen.  Or you could import Release process alone as a second import.

I hope this works for you.



Hi Laura

Thank you so much. It worked! You have saved me hours. 😁

Hi @Laura02 Thats a great fix!
