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Ability to void AR payments once deposited

  • 19 January 2023
  • 3 replies

People are voiding payments that have already been deposited to the bank and it makes for A LOT of unnecessary work when reconciling.  In my eyes, there should be no reason to void any transaction that has already been released in a deposit.  If, for whatever reason, you need to void a transaction; you would need to first void the deposit, do what you have to do and recreate the deposit after.  Once a payment is deposited, it should be locked; period.


Even Quickbooks had this capability; it’s very simple because the transaction is posted to the ledger when released in a deposit.  But if this is too much to ask, we should at the very least have the ability to restrict certain users from making changes to released payments, especially if they have been deposited.  


Does anybody have any thoughts or workarounds to avoid this from happening?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Would putting an approval map on the Payments and Applications screen prevent these voided items from getting to the posted phase?

i.e. If Payment Type = Voided Payment and (DepositAsBatch = True or  Deposited = True) then it goes to the controller or some other senior employee for approval and then it gets caught before it’s posted and updates the status of the original payment document from “Closed” to “Voided”

I’ve done something similar with our sales guys, because they kept creating sales orders to generate purchase order to purchase stuff internally and then it came to me for approval and it stopped them in their tracks :)

Userlevel 5

I was unaware the system allowed this. I agree, no reason that this workflow should be allowed.

I agree with the other comment, when I cannot solve a workflow items that I don’t want the software to allow, I use approval maps. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

FYI - There was a new feature released in 24R1 to help minimize the risk of this occurring: 

