
Invoicing 3rd Parties for Service

  • 11 February 2022
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 4

In situations where a service company performs a repair on a Service Order / Appointment, then realizes that the invoice should be sent to a party such as an insurance company, how might they process an appropriate invoice?

  • There may be different 3rd parties for a customer, so parent/child companies won’t work
  • Copying the service order to a new one for the insurance company looses appointment log information, signatures, attachments, etc.
  • Creating service orders and appointments with may detail lines and log lines is tedious and error-prone

What other work-arounds might be simpler?


Best answer by Anacarina Calvo 14 February 2022, 14:53

View original

5 replies

@gdow23 I have not tried this, but could you create a new location in the customer for the third-party vendor, and then send the invoice to that location.  The system would still show that the customer owes for the service, but you would have an audit trail of where the invoice was sent.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @gdow23 
The Appointment and Service Order form has the option of setting a Customer (the address where the work will be done) and the Billing Customer (the customer the customer that will receive the invoice). These two might be different between them.

If the entire invoice will be sent to a 3rd party then you should select this as the Billing Customer.

Hope this helps with the question,

Anacarina Calvo

Userlevel 4

@gdow23 I have not tried this, but could you create a new location in the customer for the third-party vendor, and then send the invoice to that location.  The system would still show that the customer owes for the service, but you would have an audit trail of where the invoice was sent.

Thanks for the reply.

In this specific case, the 3rd parties are insurance companies paying for a repair.  The same insurance company would need to be entered as a location many times (once for each customer).



curious which direction you Original Poster went with this? Did you run into issues as far as rates being diff for the the different parties being billed and tax amount charged? Currently having an issue with this now

Userlevel 4

I just checked with the Project Manager.  A customization was required.  I believe that Acumatica had something already developed.  Acumatica sent our PM this message:


Attached are the customization we discussed yesterday


    Description: Allow to change Billing Customer and Billing Customer Location on the Service Order, if more than one appointment is created and it the appointment(s) have status Completed or Closed

Changing the Billing Customer would have the following limitations:

    • If a Prepayment has been associated to the Service Order or Appointment, this will not be updated if changing the Billing Customer
    • We should not allow to change the Billing Customer if the Service Order or at least one of the appointments is in status Closed
    • We should not allow to change the Billing Customer if the Service Order at least one of the appointments has been Billed
    • Changing a Billing Customer will not recalculate Unit Price on Service Order or Appointments
    • Changing a Billing Customer will not recalculate TAX on Service Order or Appointments
    • The ability to change the Billing Customer and Billing Customer Location will only be handled on the Service Order form, and will propagate to the Appointments without the need to recalculate anything on the Service Order or Appointment

Last compatible release was 2019R2


    Description: Allow to change Customer and Location on the Service Order form. The customization will only allow to change the customer if there is no Appointment associated.
    Changing the Customer will
    • Update the Contact and Address associated
    • Update the Financial Settings information
    • Recalculate Price

Last compatible release was 2019R2



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