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When cloning an appointment we are getting the following error…this is happening with two different employees and both are current, have schedules generated through the end of the year. Thoughts?? 


HI @jenjen98 

Can you pull the Trace on that error?

Also, on the Employee record, is the Staff Member in Service Management checked? (I would just double check that for those employees)


@kandybeatty49  Yes, both employees have the box is the trace


@kandybeatty49  Yes, both employees have the box is the trace


Hi @jenjen98 ,

As per the error trace, the customer account on the appointment doesn’t match the customer on the contract or project (if this appointment is associated with them). Please check whether the customer account is same.

If that doesn’t help, I would recommend creating a support case for the Acumatica team with the exact steps to replicate this error, a detailed full screen screenshots of the appointment, the error, and an expanded error trace.

Thank you!

Did you end up resolving this error? I just ran into the same error. Employee settings are correct. Appt/service order/contract all are linked to the same customer account.

HI @jenjen98  and @hayleehicks 

Have either of you recently updated the version of Acumatica?

@Kandy Beatty I just looked back through my notes, and this error was resolved by clearing the ‘Restrict Employees’ setting on the Projects screen.
