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Combining Service Appointments for a Single Location

  • 23 May 2024
  • 2 replies

This is the use case… Our company creates many appointments using the Services Contracts in the Equipment Module.  There are times that even though we have an appointment already created for a customer location, a new appointment will be called in and will require dispatch as well.  What we would like to do, if those two appointments are within the same month, we would like to combine the appointments and dispatch all of the services on one appointment.  Has anyone attempted this?

Hi @playton43 

Currently we cannot combine appointments .we can only create a single invoice for multiple appointments,but  I would recommend adding this as a product idea on

If this is a current business required you will probably need to check for customization to accommodate this request

Thank you @KushaniPerera88 

I appreciate the information.  I will add this as a product idea,
