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On a service order, if I use the MRO order type, I can select inventory item.


However, using INT order type, this option is not available.


Based on the Help file, I should still be able to select stock item for “none” billing option



@jchan86 i would compare the two service order side by side to see what the differences are.  are you trying to have inventory items as an option on the INT order type as well?

Thanks for the quick response. I have compared the 2 service order types and the only difference is on the “Billing Settings” section where MRO is set to Sales Order and the other is set to “None”

I created a copy of the MRO order type and the only thing that I changed is the Billing Settings > None.


Yes, I am trying to record the usage of inventory item on an internal service order. 

There is an intentional limitation in code of the Service Management.

It prevents Inventory Items for Service Order types with Behavior = “Internal”. 

Hi Samvel,

I realized I didn’t include all the details in my original post. 

When I tried this with INT, I noticed the behavior = Internal.

I then created a copy of MRO and changed the billing option = none. Behavior = Regular.

The copy (MRO2) is still not letting me choose inventory item.


Could you please provide a screenshot of the MRO2 Service Order Type?

You basically need to make sure that it is not Internal behavior Service Order and that the Generate Billing Documents is set to Sales Orders, SO Invoices or Projects.

Below you can find detailed explanation on how the dropdown values are loaded in the code.


Here is the logic that limits that dropdown’s values:

Basically, “Inventory Item” option is only added when the includeIN flag is passed as True.

And that flag is returned by the function below

So this function basically is returning the value of a virtual field called “AllowInventoryItems” and that field is defined like below

So this field is basically true when the Service Order Type behavior is Quote or when the PostToSOSIPM virtual field is true.

And here is the definition of the PostToSOSIPM field

This field is basically returning True if the PostTo (Generated Billing Documents) option of the Service Order Type is set to Sales Orders, SO Invoices or Projects and when the Service Order Type behavior is not Quote or Internal.

Hi Samvel,

Here are the screenshots







The settings on the other tabs are identical.

@jchan86 you need to change the Generated Billing Documents from None to Sales Orders or SO Invoices or Projects on MRO2 in order to be able to add Inventory Items. I am not sure why the documentation mentions None.


Hi Samvel,

This is going back to my original question.

On the form reference for Service Orders (FS300100) (Acumatica)

Specifically under the Details Tab section, there is a note related to stock item



Based on this, the “none” option should still allow for the selection of inventory item on the service order details. Am I misinterpreting this?




As far as I can tell that note most likely was added in one of the previous releases (before 21R1 most likely as I checked the codes, and it was working the same way for 21R1) and never corrected after the behavior changed.
