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Is there a process that will update the picking location on a shipment after doing physical inventory?

Example, we sell item EGI123 and it’s located in location “A”.

A shipment is created and the picking location is “A”.

After doing a physical inventory count we find that it’s actually in location “B” and we update accordingly using the physical inventory process. 

We now need the picking location on the picking sheet to be updated to “B” so the pickers can find it.

When the shipment is created, the location would be where the available/allocated inventory actually is located. The Item has the Default location that could be updated using mass actions or an import scenario. Hope that helps.

When the shipment is created, the location would be where the available/allocated inventory actually is located. The Item has the Default location that could be updated using mass actions or an import scenario. Hope that helps.

What if the shipment was created before the physical inventory and the old location is populated in the shipment?

I think you would need to update those shipments. Typically you would complete the open shipments before starting the physical inventory. 

Hi @Jeff96 Yes, I see your sequence - Shipment is created which sets the picking Location to ‘A’ on a line, then a Count is created, performed, and finished which moves the items on the Shipment line from ‘A’ to Location ‘B’.  At this point you have to manually update the location on the Shipment line to ‘B’ before picking begins. 

Please add this in the Ideas section of the Community so we can track the votes on it.  


Hi @Jeff96 Yes, I see your sequence - Shipment is created which sets the picking Location to ‘A’ on a line, then a Count is created, performed, and finished which moves the items on the Shipment line from ‘A’ to Location ‘B’.  At this point you have to manually update the location on the Shipment line to ‘B’ before picking begins. 

Please add this in the Ideas section of the Community so we can track the votes on it.  



Thank you. I created an idea. Process to automatically update picking location

Thanks @Jeff96 
