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Two shipments and one SO simultaneously

  • 21 July 2023
  • 8 replies

Hello everyone 


My company requires to open several shipments that have several lines (products) of one SO. 

Acumatica doesn’t allow you to have an open (unconfirmed) shipment add modify the sale order simultaneously. I need to  create multiple open shipments at the same time. If you create one shipment it lock the SO and doesn’t allow you to create additional shipments without confirming them.


Does anyone know how to unlock the SO? 

8 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi @Ramos5522 

One way that you can do this, is by directly navigating to the Shipments screen and clicking on Add Shipment.  

Select the Customer, the Warehouse and then the Add Order button gets enabled. This way you can select the specific lines to be added to this shipment and process it .  

Hoping this helps you and this is what you are looking for.   







Hello @Sai Chettiar 

Thank for taking the time, the issue is that in the fist Shipment (#1) i have a product of the SO (#1), that shipments its unconfirmed due delays. But whenever i want to make shipment (#2) it does have a product from the SO#1, but I can´t add that product because shipment 1 its not confirm and the SO#1 its blocked. 

thats the problem 

Userlevel 3

Hello @Ramos5522 

creating Multiple shipments and editing the sales order is possible if Back order Allowed is selected in line level. (Note: Without confirming the shipment we can’t create shipment again for the same SO and we can’t edit ).


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi, @Ramos5522   

I understand that you might be using a different version of Acumatica, so the information I'm providing is based on the 23 R1 version. In this version, Acumatica allows the creation of a second shipment, even if the first shipment has not been confirmed.

I am aware that this issue existed in older versions of Acumatica, but it was considered as an Acumatica limitation. With the advancements in the 23 R1 version, this limitation has been addressed, and you now have the flexibility to create a second shipment without waiting for the confirmation of the first one.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Ramos5522 

Check below suggestions as well in Acumatica Blanket sales order.

As @Naveen Boga Suggested shipment creation is possible when we different houses.


Hi, @Ramos5522   

I understand that you might be using a different version of Acumatica, so the information I'm providing is based on the 23 R1 version. In this version, Acumatica allows the creation of a second shipment, even if the first shipment has not been confirmed.

I am aware that this issue existed in older versions of Acumatica, but it was considered as an Acumatica limitation. With the advancements in the 23 R1 version, this limitation has been addressed, and you now have the flexibility to create a second shipment without waiting for the confirmation of the first one.

Hi @Naveen Boga 

Can you point me in the direction of where you saw this?
I’ve been searching the release notes for 23 R1 but can’t see this mentioned.

Thank you

Hi, @Ramos5522   

I understand that you might be using a different version of Acumatica, so the information I'm providing is based on the 23 R1 version. In this version, Acumatica allows the creation of a second shipment, even if the first shipment has not been confirmed.

I am aware that this issue existed in older versions of Acumatica, but it was considered as an Acumatica limitation. With the advancements in the 23 R1 version, this limitation has been addressed, and you now have the flexibility to create a second shipment without waiting for the confirmation of the first one.

Hi @Naveen Boga 

Can you point me in the direction of where you saw this?
I’ve been searching the release notes for 23 R1 but can’t see this mentioned.

Thank you

I’m also unable to create a second shipment before the first shipment is confirmed in a local instance of 23 R1

@Naveen Boga Can you let me know of any configuration you had to change to allow this?

I found it is possible to create a second open shipment if it is for a different Warehouse to the first open shipment.

This still leaves a large gap in the software as there are many use cases for multiple open shipments from the warehouse of the same same sales order.

Hopefully Acumatica can address this soon as it creates a very slow and inaccurate shipping process for users that need this behaviour.
