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Sales Order Import failing because inventory id cannot be found

Trying to import sales orders but some of the lines have invalid inventory ID’s that do not exist in Acumatica. I still need to import the lines that do but they all fail because of the inventory items that don’t exist. How can I skip invalid inventory line and get the rest of the file to import.

The import works if I only import inventory ID’s that are in Acumatica.


10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @pwills69 

can you disable both the check box and try once 


Still the same issue


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

is the error saying record cannot be processed because of next records?

can you give me one try by disabling below mapping


The import shows that it worked but when I look at the Sales Order it only created one line item, the last item on the list.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @pwills69 Please change your mapping with reference to below attached import scenario 

Thank you but I don’t see any differences from my import.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @pwills69 

I tested above import scenario and able to import the sales order with multiple lines.


take the reference file in the import scenario aboutthe excel provider and compare the mapping.



if you still found an issue then share me the list and import in xml format

Attached are my files. I’m able to import sales orders, the issue is when one of the inventory items is not setup in my Acumatica system.

Userlevel 7

Hi @pwills69 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Acumatica support was able to help and get it so that only the order that had the bad inventory items failed, but the rest of the orders would import. This helped because we could then filter the import scenario results on the failed orders and inactivate the bad inventory items and the orders would then import. Not what we were looking for but a suitable workaround.
