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Is there a way to Exclude Returned Returned Receipts from Report?


Hi Everyone ,
Pleaase Assist . i have client that would like to get a POR report that excludes returned receipt lines. I thought i could use the returned Quantity of receiptline DAC.

However this field is not available on the report , i check the DAC and it gave me the following : the field is no-existent in the DB

Is there a way i cant exclude returned receipts except for this one, please assist.

2 replies

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • 3132 replies
  • October 20, 2022


Are you saying, Returned qty is not a stored field, and  asking, How to exclude receipts? I’m not a programmer but I think I can see what is happening in the screen and the tables. Maybe this will give you ideas.

  1. Link Receipt line to Return line
  2. Subtract Return Qty from Receipt Qty to calculate net quantity received.

The Returned Quantity field on a PO Receipt is updated when we create a PO Return Receipt  (ReceiptType = RN, I think?) from a PO Receipt (Receipt Type RT). The RN Return is related to the same PO, same PO Line Number but has a different receipt type from the original RT Return.  On screen, I notice the original Receipt’s returned quantity is updated when I release the Return.

To exclude the returned quantity, Can you join POReceiptLine to itself on PO Type, PO Number and PO Line Number?  The quantity field from the RN record can then be deducted (subtract) from the quantity on the RT record.

For example, if we Received 100 and we Returned 10, I think you want to Subtract 10 and show 90 Received.  You don’t want to Exclude the 10 returned, I think you want to subtract 10.  Check with your customer - do they want to see 100 received only…. or do they want to see 100 Received - 10 Returned = 90?

HTH.  Good luck!

  • Author
  • Jr Varsity II
  • 13 replies
  • November 14, 2022

Hi Laura, 
Sorry for taking long to get back to you, Unfortunately, this solution will not work for the client as their Receipts are not linked to Purchase Orders. 


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