Looking for your insights into the the following questions around inventory valuation methods.
- Average Cost Calculation:
- Is the average cost recalculation triggered only on a purchase?
- If a purchase is back dated after a sale has already been posted does the system recalculate the cost on that sale to reflect the true average cost?
- FIFO Cost Calculation
- If a purchase is back dated after a sale has already been posted does the system recalculate the cost on that sale to reflect the proper FIFO cost?
- Inventory Adjustments: Under FIFO do all inventory adjustments need to be matched to a prior purchase?
- Negative Inventory:
- Average Cost: If inventory sold into a negative position and purchase back dated will system adjust costs to accurate average cost or just use the last cost for sales made?
- FIFO: If inventory sold into a negative position and purchase back dated will system adjust costs to accurate FIFO cost or just use the last cost for the sales made?