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How to insert a word "PESOS in the middle of number wording in Report Designer?

  • 30 September 2022
  • 8 replies

HI all,


Can you help me about my problem here in Report Designer. I created a number wording for the printing of Checks, but my problem here is how do I insert the word of PESOS” like this output:



This is my coding in report designer


= IIF(pAPPayment.ExtRefNbr]<>&APPrintCheckDetailWithAdjdDoc.StubNbr],
'* VOID *',
PadRight(UCASE(replace(replace(' ' + eAPPayment.AmountToWords], '  ', ' '), ' ', ' and XX/100')), 60, ' ')

If I insert the PESOS from this code

PadRight(UCASE(replace(replace(' ' + aAPPayment.AmountToWords], '  ', ' '), ' PESOS ', ' and XX/100')), 60, ' ')


the word PESOS is not showing (no error encountered while saving this)




8 replies

Badge +18


I think you can make this change by editing the Check Form in Acumatica Report Designer.

  1. Click on the most recent check form revision
  2. Click Edit Report
  3. Click on the field to be changed
  4. Click on the Properties tab, Field Value  then click (...) to open Expression Editor.
  5. Insert “Pesos”.  I have suggested below where I think +’ Pesos’ might work.

    In my small test, check prints like below. Maybe try spaces or - for legibility.


Userlevel 3

Hi @laura01 


I need to insert the word “PESOS” at the center like this (SEVEN THOUSAND THIRTY SIX PESOS AND 19/100) and this word should not be at the end

Badge +18

Did you look at the Expression Editor (value field) of the AmountToWords field that is used inside the field I showed above?  Maybe you can modify AmountToWords, to insert ‘Pesos’ into the center.

Badge +12
'** VOID **',
PadRight(UCASE(replace(replace([APPayment.AmountToWords],' ',' '),' Only',' PESOS and XX/100')), 60,'*'))


Userlevel 3

Hi all,


Thanks for all your idea, anyway our client decided not to input the word of “PESOS” at the center, and they just want to put it at the end of the word


Note: (This case is solved)

Badge +18

I understand your customer changed her mind.

Did we help you?  Please select a best answer and selecting best answer will close the case. Thank you.

Userlevel 3

Hi @laura01 


Yes, you gave me all idea how to insert a word from the printing checks. However, I’m trying the other way to solve this issue even the client doesn’t want to add this word in checks report and based on @darylbowman method. I tried it before, but I encountered an error. I will give you all an update just give me more time to do this, and I will also share my method if I solve this concern.



Userlevel 7

Hi @acumaticapm182 - were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
