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Hi, we have a few serialized products.  When I generate a PI and print Physical Count Sheets, it wants to print 20 pages for one item because it has each serial number on a separate line.  I would like to just count by Stock Item Number and assume all the serial numbers are correct. 

For example, instead of seeing 50 lines for #ABC123 with each line having a unique serial number, I’d like to see 1 line that says #ABC001 book qty 50, and an empty box for me to count the #ABC001 and say we have 50.  Any ideas?

HI @NathanKahn 

ON the Physical Inventory Type, what is the Assignment Order? Try to create a PI type without Lot/Serial Number. 



I did try that but it didn’t help.  I have location and inventory ID in the first two, and 3 and 4 are blank.

I did try that but it didn’t help.  I have location and inventory ID in the first two, and 3 and 4 are blank.

this is what I’m using


HI @NathanKahn 

It appears that if an item has a lot/serial number assigned, it will populate.

The lot or serial number of the inventory item to which the line number was assigned.



@NathanKahn : from my point of view you have to count all items with serial-numbers. How the system should decide, which serial-number is missing and have to adjust, if you only count 49?

If your assignment method for the Lot/Serial class is ‘when received’ lot/serial number based physical inventory is the only option.  @PatrickSchlenker90 is correct, the system would not know what to adjust without some feedback. 


If your assignment method for the Lot/Serial class is ‘when used’ lot/serial numbers are NOT required for physical inventory and resulting adjustments from physical counts will not include the Lot/Serial number.  


In essence the ‘when used’ assignment method will allow you to bypass the lot/serial requirement of physical inventory counts. 


