When create the purchase receipt, the sales order’s shipped qty column indicates the receipt qty as shipped. But the created purchase receipt was incorrect and the user need to cancel (Return or something to correct the error) the release purchase receipt and receipt again the correct qty.
Once we create the Return using the following button, it allows to receipt again the same PO qty.
After create the return, Then we have create the purchase receipt again with correct qty. system allow to do the same but the SO shipped qty indicates as follow
What is the process to correct the erroneously created drop ship reciept without doing any adjustments to the created SO? or is there any other process?
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HI @Prasadug
Is this for a blanket sales order?
According to the help that is what the column is used for:
The quantity of the blanket sales order line that have not been shipped yet in child orders. This column appears only for blanket sales orders.
HI kandy,
No. it is not the blanket sales order. SO type is ‘Sales Order’.
Prior to releasing the receipt for the Drop Ship in the PO Receipt, you have the ability to edit the Receipt Qty on the PO Receiver line. So, for example, if the Vendor shipped less than what was requested, you can indicate it here. This is then sync’d to the associated Sales Order to indicate that this is what was shipped.
Hi Dana,
Yes, that is very clear. but I am lokking for a solution to correct released purchase receipt. before the vendor process I’m looking for a way to correct user error.
Prasadug .. Did you ever define the process to make the correction? I think we are in the same situation with a client.
In our case: All that has transpired so far is that a Sales Order (Type PT) has been created with lines marked for PO/Drop Ship. The PO was created, then all the items were received in error (only 1 of the 4 lines should have been received). No related AR Invoices or AP Bills have been generated.
Looking for a solution: We just want to correct the receipt so the other 3 line items can be received later and we can invoice the 1 line-item received correctly. We would like to invoice the customer for the items actually shipped but not the ones that have not been. Unfortunately, creating an invoice by deleting the un-received items gives error that “Sales Order/Shipment cannot be invoiced partially”. So, it appears that the return of the purchase receipt does not seem to correct the sales order at all.
Any help?
Hi Michael,
Sorry. still having this problem same as yours.
Thanks much. It just seems like they missed something in designing the code for Drop Ship. It should not be that difficult just to correct a simple receipt error.
If you click on “Line Details”, it will show the quantity returned. Without a modification the Sale Order entry screen, you can alter the report to display the quantity Returned and a custom field that shows the net quantity shipped after the return.
We’re facing same issue for a client. Purchase receipt was entered for a few of the PO items in error (the rest should have been received), and it doesn’t seem there is any way to invoice a drop-ship sales order partially.
Is the only way to fix to take the long route and fully back everything out and start fresh? Seems like quite the hassle when it feels like it could be so simple.
Commenting to follow along with the thread in case anyone knows of something I may be missing.
It seems like many are having this issue. I wonder if Acumatica could chime in here. @OlaAyanlaja62@Chris Hackett
I may have found a solution if any one is still searching.
My organization is Dropship-heavy, and I always advise that Releasing the Receipt is the point of no return. If something is in error (and it happens almost daily for various reasons), we execute the full “Rebill” process, which requires the current SO and PO processes to produce their respective (incorrect) AR Invoice and AP Bill. From there, we can roll everything back to zero by using the RC-type SO.
Directions for how to do so can be found under the Returns for Credit with Receipt help file.
Additionally, to keep things tidy we always write up a new SO and PO. A combination of requirements make that the best choice for our business and industry. It is a little painful, but I think its important to understand that Acumatica actually handles Dropship processing really efficiently compared to other ERP systems we tried. That said, the downside is reversing those transactions are a decent bit of work (and it used to be way worse!)
Best of luck!
At one point, we definitely were allowed to bill a partial from a full drop-ship receipt. We’d then wait until we received the remaining invoices from the vendor and invoice the remaining items. I’m not sure what changed or when it changed, but that functionality should be reverted because we now are unable to invoice our customer for the partial shipment they received instead of all the items.