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Fulfillment - Entering weight and pacakge dimension from mobile device

  • 17 January 2024
  • 4 replies

The command @ship through mobile device is currently not supported, am I right?

We want to be able to enter box package weight as well as dimension from mobile device after pick and pack, how can we achieve this?

Hi @kristianharianja 

please check the acumatica wiki →


With 2023R2 you should be able to type in the dimensions in the pick, pack, ship process. For more information please check the release Notes of 2023R2 →



@PatrickSchlenker90 if we use Pick, Pack, and Ship form in Acumatica from browser, yes we can do ship mode. But if you use app version from the handheld device, I can’t see SHIP mode. And if I type @ship, it’s not a valid command.

@kristianharianja , sorry for the misunderstanding, i meant @ship instead of @pack 😉. So you have activated the ship mode in the sales order preferences, but with the app the working mode could not changed to the ship mode?

I think there's just too much information with packages, rate shopping etc for it to be practical from the mobile app.

You can scan a box with preset dimensions during packing, but don't think there's a way to custom enter dimensions.  The mobile app is just very simplified.
