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We charge customers a flat fee for expedited shipping (let’s say $10). To accomplish this in Acumatica, we use a shipping term that adds $10 to the sales order.
On our end however, we use different carriers based on location using the external plugin feature (linked to different ship-via codes). As a result, Acumatica is adding the freight COST from the carrier as a freight PRICE to the customer in addition to the shipping terms fee.

This is because on the  “Order types” screen, we have “calculate freight” set to true.
If we set “calculate freight’ to false, it will disregard the flat fee as well.


Is there a way to make it calculate only the shipping terms and NOT pass the ship-via cost onto the customer?

I know we can hard code the flat fee as premium freight, and get rid of the shipping term, but that is to ideal for us for other reasons.

What is the Freight Cost on the shipping term set to? It should be 0%

Freight cost on the shipping term is set to 0.


It works for me. Can you share a screenshot of your shipping terms setup?

This works for me as expected now. Must have been somethign else at play during the previous test. 
Tanks for the clarification @Jeff96 
