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I have a generic inquiry that detects when a new order exists meeting the following criteria. Warehouse = ‘XX’ and InventoryID = ‘XXXXX’.

The original order has a warehouse of ‘YY’. I can update the warehouse to ‘XX’ two seperate ways.

  1. Going directly into the sales order and change the warehouse from ‘XX’ to ‘YY’. The business event fires as expected.
  2. Mass Updating the warehouse from a standalone generic inquiry from ‘XX’ to ‘YY’. I do NOT go into the sales order to update the warehouse. The business event does NOT fire.

The trigger conidition on the business event is record inserted. 


Hi @kurtwoeste 

When a record is inserted in the generic inquiry, the business event will be triggered. However, when updating data, it's important to note that technically the data is not being inserted. If you update the data through an import scenario, then the business event will trigger an update. It's recommended to use import scenarios instead of mass updates for triggering business events. Alternatively, consider modifying the mass updates in the respective screen of the generic inquiry and reviewing the results.

