I have a situation where a customer has raised a sales order for one item with a quantity of 10. This line has been allocated a despatch has been created but not yet confirmed. The customer then has a situation where one of the items cannot be despatched and only require a quantity of 9 to be despatched. It does allow to amend the shiipped quantity but then reports and error advising the quantity shipped is greater than the quantity allocated. The only way round this would be to cancel the despatch amend the allocated quantity on the sales order and then recreate the despatch. Can anyone advise on settings/workarounds to avoid this long winded way of allowing the despatch quantity to be amended?
Can i confirm you are raising a Sales Order for 10 and can see that 10 are allocated by selecting the line details. You are then creating the Shipment which has 10 on it. Becuase there is a shortfall you are editing the Shipped Quantity to 9 and when you try and confirm the Shipment you are gettng the error. This works fine for me and i have a client who does this all the time.
If the Shipping rule is Ship Complete then you will get a message saying Shipment cannot be confirmed becuase Ship Complete is set and qty less than order quantity but this is different to your error
What version of Acumatica are you using? What Sales Order Type are you using
Shipping rule is set as Back order Allowed and I am using a SA order type although I have also tested with the SO type Site is using 23.105.0016 what version are you using?
I have just tested this on another site that has V22 and it works fine must be a bug in V23
Thanks for your help
No worries was about to say can you try on another version or have you any customisations. I checked it on 23.103.0013
Hi I got to the bottom of this its not a bug. The undership and overshipship % was not populated when importing the master stock items and it was set as zero which was causing the issue. Once these thresholds were updated correctly it works correctly
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